最近因为电价飞涨,家里服务器的电费算下来每个月要将近1000元人民币,实在是吃不消了。于是关机后搞了个西部数据的My Cloud EX2 Ultra,装上黑群晖之后实际功耗只有10W。虽然DSM只有6.0版本,但是也是够用了,不喜欢折腾,低功耗 稳定 性能够用就已经非常的棒了。后面如果有空的话会写个流程记录一下。
在国内家里的DS1517 的QC用着就和很舒服,不论是在家中还是在外面都随时可以使用家里的数据和查找照片,奈何实在是囊中羞涩,临时用黑群以后再回归吧。没有QC其实用DDNS NAT端口映射也能完全替代,这里先解决DDNS问题,NAT只要运营商支持的话在路由器中设置一下就行了,没什么门槛。
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrikirill/SynologyDDNSCloudflareMultidomain/master/cloudflare.php -O /usr/syno/bin/ddns/cloudflare.php && sudo chmod 755 /usr/syno/bin/ddns/cloudflare.php
#!/usr/bin/php -d open_basedir=/usr/syno/bin/ddns <?php // Normally $argv suffices: $argc seems a bit pointless because amount of arguments & array elements should be same if ($argc !== 5 || count($argv) != 5) { echo Output::INSUFFICIENT_OR_UNKNOWN_PARAMETERS; exit(); } $cf = new updateCFDDNS($argv); $cf->makeUpdateDNS(); class Output { // Confirmed & logged interpreted/translated messages by Synology const SUCCESS = 'good'; // geeft niets? - geeft succesfully registered in logs const NO_CHANGES = 'nochg'; // geeft niets? - geeft succesfully registered in logs const HOSTNAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 'nohost'; // [The hostname specified does not exist. Check if you created the hostname on the website of your DNS provider] const HOSTNAME_BLOCKED = 'abuse'; // [The hostname specified is blocked for update abuse] const HOSTNAME_FORMAT_IS_INCORRECT = 'notfqdn'; // [The format of hostname is not correct] const AUTHENTICATION_FAILED = 'badauth'; // [Authentication failed] const DDNS_PROVIDER_DOWN = '911'; // [Server is broken][De DDNS-server is tijdelijk buiten dienst. Neem contact op met de Internet-provider.] const BAD_HTTP_REQUEST = 'badagent'; // [DDNS function needs to be modified, please contact synology support] const HOSTNAME_FORMAT_INCORRECT = 'badparam'; // [The format of hostname is not correct] const BAD_PARAMS = 'badparam'; // Not logged messages, didn't trigger/work while testing on DSM const PROVIDER_ADDRESS_NOT_RESOLVED = 'badresolv'; const PROVIDER_TIMEOUT_CONNECTION = 'badconn'; // Console only - custom error messages (not triggered by DSM) const INSUFFICIENT_OR_UNKNOWN_PARAMETERS = 'Insufficient parameters'; } /** * DDNS auto updater for Synology NAS * Base on Cloudflare API v4 * Supports multidomains and sundomains */ class updateCFDDNS { const API_URL = 'https://api.cloudflare.com'; var $account, $apiKey, $hostList, $ipv4; // argument properties - $ipv4 is provided by DSM itself var $ip, $dnsRecordIdList = array(), $ipv6 = false; function __construct($argv) { // Not used: $account ($argv[1]), Used: $apikey ($argv[2]), $hostslist ($argv[3]), $ipv4 ($argv[4]) $this->apiKey = (string) $argv[2]; // CF Global API Key $hostnames = (string) $argv[3]; // example: example.com.uk---sundomain.example1.com---example2.com $this->ipv6 = $this->getIpAddressIpify(); if($this->ipv6) $this->validateIp((string) $this->ipv6); // Validates IPV6 // Since DSM is only providing an IP(v4) address (DSM 6/7 doesn't deliver IPV6) // I override above IPV4 detection & rely on DSM instead for now $this->validateIp((string) $argv[4]); // Before runs DNS update checks API token is valid or not if(!$this->isCFTokenValid()) { $this->badParam(); } // safer than explode: in case of wrong formatting with --- separations (empty elements removed automatically) $arHost = preg_split('/(---)/', $hostnames, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // parse each array element to check if every dns hostname is properly formatted, unset any garbage element foreach ($arHost as $value) { if(!preg_match("/^(?!-)(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d][a-zA-Z\d\-]{0,61})?[a-zA-Z\d]\.){1,126}(?!\d+)[a-zA-Z\d]{1,63}$/", $value)) { echo Output::HOSTNAME_FORMAT_INCORRECT; exit(); } $this->hostList[$value] = [ 'hostname' => '', 'fullname' => $value, 'zoneId' => '', ]; } $this->setZones(); foreach ($this->hostList as $arHost) { $this->setRecord($arHost, $this->ipv4, 'A'); if($this->ipv6) { $this->setRecord($arHost, $this->ipv6, 'AAAA'); } } } /** * Checks CF API Token is valid * * @return bool */ function isCFTokenValid() { $res = $this->callCFapi("GET", "client/v4/user/tokens/verify"); if ($res['success']) { return true; } return false; } /** * Update CF DNS records */ function makeUpdateDNS() { if(empty($this->hostList)) { $this->badParam('empty host list'); } foreach($this->dnsRecordIdList as $recordId => $dnsRecord) { $zoneId = $dnsRecord['zoneId']; unset($dnsRecord['zoneId']); $json = $this->callCFapi("PATCH", "client/v4/zones/${zoneId}/dns_records/${recordId}", $dnsRecord); if (!$json['success']) { echo Output::BAD_HTTP_REQUEST; exit(); } } echo Output::SUCCESS; } function badParam($msg = '') { echo (strlen($msg) > 0) ? $msg : Output::BAD_PARAMS; exit(); } /** * Evaluates IP address type and assigns to the correct IP property type * Only public addresses accessible from the internet are valid options * * @param $ip * @return bool */ function validateIp($ip) { if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 | FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE )) { $this->ipv6 = $ip; } elseif (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 | FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE )) { $this->ipv4 = $ip; } else { $this->badParam('invalid ip-address'); } return true; } /* * Get ip from ipify.org * Returns IPV6 address or false boolean in case IP6V is not found */ function getIpAddressIpify() { $curlhandle = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curlhandle, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api64.ipify.org"); curl_setopt($curlhandle, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6); curl_setopt($curlhandle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($curlhandle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($curlhandle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, false); curl_setopt($curlhandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $result = curl_exec($curlhandle); curl_close($curlhandle); return $result; } /** * Set ZoneID for each hosts */ function setZones() { $json = $this->callCFapi("GET", "client/v4/zones"); if (!$json['success']) { if(isset($json['errors'][0]['code'])) { if($json['errors'][0]['code'] == 9109 || $json['errors'][0]['code'] == 6003) { echo Output::AUTHENTICATION_FAILED; exit(); } } $this->badParam('getZone unsuccessful response'); } $arZones = []; foreach ($json['result'] as $ar) { $arZones[] = [ 'hostname' => $ar['name'], 'zoneId' => $ar['id'] ]; } foreach ($this->hostList as $hostname => $arHost) { $res = $this->isZonesContainFullname($arZones, $arHost['fullname']); if(!empty($res)) { $this->hostList[$hostname]['zoneId'] = $res['zoneId']; $this->hostList[$hostname]['hostname'] = $res['hostname']; } } } /** * Find hostname for full domain name * example: domain.com.uk --> vpn.domain.com.uk */ function isZonesContainFullname($arZones, $fullname) { $res = []; foreach($arZones as $arZone) { if (strpos($fullname, $arZone['hostname']) !== false) { $res = $arZone; break; } } return $res; } /** * Set A Records for each host */ function setRecord($arHostData, $ip, $type) { if (empty($arHostData['fullname'])) { return false; } $fullname = $arHostData['fullname']; if (empty($arHostData['zoneId'])) { unset($this->hostList[$fullname]); return false; } $zoneId = $arHostData['zoneId']; $json = $this->callCFapi("GET", "client/v4/zones/${zoneId}/dns_records?type=${type}&name=${fullname}"); if (!$json['success']) { $this->badParam('unsuccessful response for getRecord host: ' . $fullname); } if(isset($json['result']['0'])){ $this->dnsRecordIdList[$json['result']['0']['id']]['type'] = $type; $this->dnsRecordIdList[$json['result']['0']['id']]['name'] = $arHostData['fullname']; $this->dnsRecordIdList[$json['result']['0']['id']]['content'] = $ip; $this->dnsRecordIdList[$json['result']['0']['id']]['zoneId'] = $arHostData['zoneId']; $this->dnsRecordIdList[$json['result']['0']['id']]['ttl'] = $json['result']['0']['ttl']; $this->dnsRecordIdList[$json['result']['0']['id']]['proxied'] = $json['result']['0']['proxied']; } } /** * Call CloudFlare v4 API @link https://api.cloudflare.com/#getting-started-endpoints */ function callCFapi($method, $path, $data = []) { $options = [ CURLOPT_URL => self::API_URL . '/' . $path, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => ["Authorization: Bearer $this->apiKey", "Content-Type: application/json"], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_VERBOSE => false, ]; if(empty($method)){ $this->badParam('Empty method'); } switch($method) { case "GET": $options[CURLOPT_HTTPGET] = true; break; case "POST": $options[CURLOPT_POST] = true; $options[CURLOPT_HTTPGET] = false; $options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = json_encode($data); break; case "PUT": $options[CURLOPT_POST] = false; $options[CURLOPT_HTTPGET] = false; $options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = "PUT"; $options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = json_encode($data); break; case "PATCH": $options[CURLOPT_POST] = false; $options[CURLOPT_HTTPGET] = false; $options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = "PATCH"; $options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = json_encode($data); break; } $req = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($req, $options); $res = curl_exec($req); curl_close($req); return json_decode($res, true); } } ?>
[Cloudflare] modulepath=/usr/syno/bin/ddns/cloudflare.php queryurl=https://www.cloudflare.com/
API-Token需要在这里获取:https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens 权限只需要Zone.DNS
Please quote the original link:https://www.liujason.com/article/1202.html